Did The Ref Save The Life Of A Minnesota Fan Giving Matt Haarms Double Birds During A Court Storm?

So this video is starting to go viral after Minnesota beat Purdue to get a step closer to making the NCAA Tournament. But, the important thing here is wondering if this kid was saved by a ref.

I’ll say this, if there’s going to be a court storm and you get in the face of an opposing player and throw double birds or say anything you have the right to get smacked around no questions asked. I love court storms they are awesome. But, there’s also a correct way to go about it. Going double birds to Matt Haarms is not the correct way to go about it. This would be the best way:

This was a huge win for Minnesota. They were squarely on the bubble and probably on the outside, but this win puts them on the right side though still sitting on the bubble. This also showed how to beat Purdue. You force Carsen Edwards into being inefficient – he went 7-for-31. Matt Painters has done an unreal job with Purdue this year, but there’s still not a consistent second scorer which is going to be key the next month.

Now as for the court storm I still think we need to just ditch the handshake line and find a way to get the losing team off the court as quick as possible. Then let everyone go nuts. I don’t care if there’s a court storm at every game. Let college kids be college kids.

Just don’t go double birds at Matt Haarms. If you do pray there’s a ref to push him away.