Tim Cook Changed His Twitter Name To Tim Apple After Trump Screwed Up His Name

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See? We can have fun with this stuff. Even Tim Cook is having fun with it. It is possible to have fun on the internet despite what you see on the internet. Not everything Donald Trump does has to spiral into a conversation about whether or not he’s a good President or which side is wrong or right. Not everything needs to get to a point where the loudest person gets the last say. If you watched the video above and your only response was anger, you’re part of the problem. Tim Cook is laughing about being called Tim Apple and you know why? Because that shit is funny. Donald Trump calling the CEO of Apple “Tim Apple” is good for a chuckle. That’s it. That’s the blog. Don’t be afraid to get out there and laugh a little.

By the way, I hope Trump continues to call Tim Cook ‘Tim Apple’ for the rest of time. He needs to keep going back to the Tim Apple well. My guess is he will because, like Dave Portnoy pronouncing Jared Carrabis’ name incorrectly, Trump thinks he’s correct. In his head there is no Tim Cook, there’s only Tim Apple.