Work Smarter, Not Harder: Dude In A Wheelchair Hitches A Ride On The Back Of A Truck

And that’s how it’s done folks. Work smarter, not harder. Listen I’m not breaking any news when I say being in a wheelchair is a less than ideal situation. You’d rather have legs but if a person does find themselves in a wheelchair they need to figure out ways to make the world work for them like the guy in the video. The dude wanted to get across town so how is he gonna do it? He likely doesn’t have the arm strength to wheel himself all the way across town because only The Rock and The Mountain have that type of arm strength. Instead he used his brain power, grabbed onto a truck and sped across town on the highway. Brilliant.

The dismount was flawless by the way. FLAWLESS. I did not seeing it going that well whatsoever. As soon as he let go I envisioned him losing control and crashing horribly but nope. He was just like, “Welp this is my exit” and calmly let go of the truck. It clearly wasn’t this guy’s first rodeo judging from the smoothness of his dismount. Work smarter, not harder. That’s that guy’s motto.