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Is Jamion “Benedict Arnold" Christian Leaving Siena For George Washington The Biggest Story In College Basketball? Many Are Saying Yes

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I didn’t think I’d be blogging about Siena taking the college basketball world by storm today, but as a man wiser than me once said, THIS IS MARCH. While a bunch of teams are wasting their time playing non-conference games on the hardwood and Reags is wasting his time blogging about them, Siena and George Washington are out making big time head coaching moves that will impact the game years after the freshmen playing today graduate. And since I am a Siena alum, I will handle this story while our basketball robot focuses on today’s action.

I hate to admit it, but I fell in love with Jamion Christian after finding out he employed a system at Mount St. Mary’s called Mount Mayhem he learned from former Mid-Major legend Shaka Smart and because a billion MSM fans told me he was a great coach that would likely stick around to build something before he inevitably bolted to a bigger program. But I don’t think anybody thought that Christian leaving less than 11 months after was hired was in the cards. I would hope that Siena didn’t think that considering the three names they were linked to last year made me feel flush down below.



College basketball coaching legend, college basketball playing legend that may be my favorite college hoops player ever, and the son of one of the best tourney coaches on the planet. Yet Siena chose the guy that would ditch them after one 17-16 season and a semifinals loss in the last MAAC Tournament in Albany for at least a little while.

The worst part about all this is I can’t even get mad at the college that stole my alma mater’s head coach. Being a warm-blooded American, I have nothing but love for all things George Washington related outside of the George Washington Bridge, which is currently the worst bridge in my Bridge Power Rankings. So Jamison Christian is lucky that he Benedict Arnold’d Siena’s ass for GW, which is one of the colleges I can’t get angry about (the other obviously being American University).

As for the Saints job, it sounds like their new interim coach may not be an interim for that long.

Lets pump the brakes on that for a minute however, since Iowa played maybe the worst 10 minutes of basketball I have ever seen in the tourney to start today’s game. I want to believe that Carmen Maciariello is the man that will turn Siena into the Gonzaga of the East since I would love if The Prince That Was Promised would end up being an ex-Siena player that likely partied more than a few times in the MacClosky townhouses (even before he was a student because he grew up in Shen). But we need to see what shakes out with Fran McCaffery in Iowa before we start giving out head coaching jobs of a sleeping giant basketball powerhouse. Before yesterday, I was rooting for Iowa to send Trent on a lavish trip to Vegas complimentes of #BudLightBusters. But now I am rooting for a Cincy blowout and the restless Iowans to treat Fran like they treated Portnoy after he said their gas station pizza had too much bacon so I can get another double order of onions next year.

#LetsGoBearcats #WeLoveOurSaints #GiveHimBackTrentYouMotherfucker