Matt Nagy Has An Entered An Elite And Exclusive Club This Week

matt nagy jeans and sandals

Matt Nagy and Ryan Pace sat down with Adam Jahns(must be nice) and unwittingly joined an exclusive club. The bravest men in the world. The men who walk to the beat of their own drum and do so wearing comfortable breezy flip flops and a nice pair of pants. The perfect springtime fashion statement that everyone on the planet has decided is an ugly look. Everyone except for…me

The coolest guy in reality TV, Jay Cutler

Best looking dude on the planet, Scott Eastwood

The best actor whoever lived, Kevin Costner

An American Hero and Stanley Cup Champion

An absolute legendary Quarterback

John Fucking Daly

Alright alright alright


Matt Nagy, Matthew McConaughey, Kevin Costner, John Daly, me, TJ Oshie, Scott Eastwood, Jay Cutler, and Kyle Orton. That is a fucking SQUAD. That is a group you want to roll out with. That is a group that you want to look to for fashion. It’s a group that is so confident and so bold that we can’t be kept down by society or the internet. We know it’s a great look and a comfortable look. Regulating temperature with cool feet and warm legs. Nothing feels better than bare feet on a 65 degree day. It’s a great Easter Sunday look and only simpletons would say otherwise. Welcome to the club, Coach.

PS: No idea why shorts make sandals acceptable but jeans is a bad look. Fuck shorts. Shorts are gross. Male legs are gross. Nobody wants to look at pale hairy big ole man legs.