Whoever This Scumbag Is Who Yelled Racial Slurs At DeMarcus Cousins At The Garden Should Be Kicked Off The Planet Not Banned For Two Years

Allow me to speak for everyone with a working brain, fuck this person. Absolutely despicable behavior by everyone involved here on the Celtics side. The same way that asshole in Utah was a scumbag for what he did to Russell Westbrook, whoever this person was at the Garden back in January who did this to Boogie is just as repulsive and embarrassing for the franchise, the city, and again every single person with a working brain. But I’m not going to let the Celts off the hook here either. You hear they suspended this person for 2 seasons that obviously means they know it really happened. Well shame on them too. Two years? That’s it? Come on Wyc, what are you even doing. Ban this asshole for LIFE and better yet personally fund a rocket ship with all your money and ship this person off the planet. I’m ready to say simply banning this person for life from the Garden so they have to watch on TV might not even fit. I need them to never be able to watch this team play again. Not on TV, not on the internet, nothing. Ban them from existence.

This isn’t a situation in the past where we’ve had these claims and nobody could prove it. The Celtics clearly had enough information in order to suspend them in the first place, and in my opinion they dropped the ball with how they handled the situation. Not only is this action unacceptable, but the punishment is just as unacceptable in my mind. You want to be a racist asshole you can get the fuck out. Simple as that. You are the worse than scum, you should not get the privilege of ever enjoying this team in person for the rest of your life.

You see how the Jazz handled their situation? It was perfect. That’s a franchise with zero tolerance. Two years? Pathetic. The worst part is now that this is coming out they’ll probably come out and change it to banned for life or something which will only make things look worse because it should have been what they did in the first place.

It’s pretty simple. If you are a racist scumbag you’re banned for life. Not two years, not four years, not 10 years. LIFE. There will always be assholes in this world, but I personally expect people with functioning brains to see a situation like this and do the right thing. It’s disappointing to learn that is not what the Celtics did.