All The Best Old Town Road Memes From The Past Day

As I’m sure you are well, WELL aware by now, Billy Ray Cyrus unleashed some of the most pure sounds ever known to recorded music on the remix to Lil Nas X’s Old Town Road early yesterday morning, and set the internet on fire. Mount Vesuvius Fire Flames as my friend Milmore might say.

As most things go with the interwebs, everyone with a pulse was reacting or making memes about it all day and night. I think I spent 30 minutes straight scrolling through them and dying laughing even though you knew what was coming every single time. So in case you have a job where you can’t just intake every single meme on Twitter or missed the gongshow that’s been going on for the past 24 hours, I compiled a shitload of them here for any interested parties. God bless the internet.