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The Patriots Social Media Dominated One of the Great Internet Weekends Ever

What a day. What a long weekend in Massachusetts. What a time to be alive.

The most hyper-motivated team sport athlete on the planet taking his one day off in 365 to watch the most compelling individual sport athlete. A 40+ year old champion bending the knee to a 40+ year old champion. The GOAT – who also once went a decade without a title – taunting his opposition, reminding them that he’s far from done collecting hardware himself. Then taking a good-natured shot from the man who defends the middle of his wall. The Patriots using George RR Martin’s prose to perfection. Paying tribute to two playoff teams and commemorating the fallen and honoring the courage of a region that refused to give into hatred and fear.

And it should come as no surprise that the Mover of Chains and Father of Lombardis was into it:

Brady GoTs 2

Drakarys - (“drah-KAH-ris“) The High Valyrian word for “dragonfire”. Daenerys says “Drakarys” to Drogon, the young dragon, to encourage him to breathe fire and cook his own meat. Daenerys Targaryen teaches her newly hatched dragons to breathe fire on command when she says drakarys, burning Pyat Pree alive

When you’re the one true dynasty of the 21st century, everything eventually relates back to you in some way. Whether it’s great competitors in other sports, iconic pop cultural institutions or historic events that shook a city to its core. And being that dynasty means having a social media game unparalleled in all of sports. Well done, Pats PR department. Well done indeed.