DeMarcus Cousins Might Could Be Done For The Year


Last season when DeMarcus got hurt, he was hustling for an offensive rebound. He was rewarded with a torn achilles headed into his supposed biggest earning offseason of his life. Tonight, in the first quarter of his second career playoff game, he shot the passing lane and had a breakaway in his sights before his quad exploded. Hustling has repeatedly proven to be the worst thing DeMarcus Cousins can do on the court. Trying to be a good teammate has only bit him in the ass repeatedly. Frankly, it’s for the birds and this should be lesson enough for all of us that no good can come from trying your hardest.

Boogie’s had this (unearned) reputation since he left Kentucky that he was a selfish player, a bad teammate, and not a guy you could win with. For me, him signing with Golden State was the ultimate “Fuck You” to all of his detractors. He could rehab his achilles injury without the need to rush back – a massively important thing for a human his size attempting to recover from that type of injury – all while setting himself up for playoff minutes and an ability to recoup some financial losses this upcoming offseason. Now, I don’t know if a quad injury is going to stop someone like the Knicks from giving him a max this summer. But I am sure he’d prefer to be playing, getting more minutes, and enjoying the ride to this ring rather than watching from the sidelines. Hopefully this early diagnosis is wrong and it’s just a strain. But if it is a torn quad the basketball gods are just being cruel and unusual for no good reason.