Wayne Gretzky Already Has The Next 'Great One' In Training

Watch out world and 2036 NHL draft class, Wayne Gretzky has the next ‘Great One’ in training. Gretzky’s daughter, Paulina, posted the video to her Instagram story on Tuesday of her father and her and Dustin Johnson’s one-year-old son River playing with the greatest hockey player of all time.

There is zero question in my mind this kid is a professional athlete. His dad is one of the best golfers on the planet and his grandfather is the greatest hockey player to ever live. His mother is also pretty athletic herself. So it’s safe to say this kid has some good genes.

Imagine growing up as this kid? One morning he’ll wake up and have an important life decision to make, does he want to be a professional golfer or professional hockey player? What a life. The two best sports to be able to play professionally, he’s guaranteed to be filthy at. I’m sure the kid is going to be hot as shit too, buddy is going to have it all.