Longtime Stoolie Lil Boosie Flips The Grilled Cheese Game On Its Head In A Mesmerizing Instagram Live

Honestly, I’ve stopped myself from making a grilled cheese before because I didnt wanna dirty up any dishes. Spoiler alert: a butter knife is a dish so I just went with a turkey sandwich in times of desperate need.

That is no longer needed and I am now free from my kitchen woes. All you need to do is: throw on your Versace robe, dip your finger in the tub, and LIGHTLY dab different areas of the bread with your butter finger. Throw that bad boy in the ole George Foreman and boom. You’ve got yourself a stew brewing. Making a sandwich like that is a true glimpse inside the mind of a maniac.

I am aware that bologna is on the sandwich as well. I have chosen to ignore it.