This Security Guard Giving Kevin Durant The Death Stare After A Foul Is Not To Be Trifled With

I love this security guard. Absolutely love her. She’s exactly what you want in a security guard. She’s not going to deal with any shit in her section and if Kevin Durant picks up his fourth foul she’s going to give him the what for. I mean look at this:

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That’s an angry mother. She just demanded that Kevin Durant not pick up a fifth foul quickly and then sent him to clean his room. You think someone is going to try and storm the court or start talking shit to players in her section? Think again.

She doesn’t care that it’s Kevin Durant. She’s ready to lecture him about being home when the lights come on. No exceptions.

What I really want to know is what is Durant thinking when he turns and makes eye contact with her. He has to be terrified right? Like ah shit now I messed up. No coming back from this one.