Jesse Winker Waves The White Flag, Disables His Instagram Comments After Feuding With Mets Fans All Week

The Mets wrapped up their series with the Cincinnati Reds this afternoon. On paper it was your standard 2-2 split. But beyond the box score there was so much more drama than you could ever expect from a series between two mediocre teams in May. And almost all of the theatrics came courtesy of some dude named Jesse Winker. Prior to this week, I had no idea who Jesse Winker was. A pretty highly touted prospect, floating right around .300 his first couple season with absolutely zero power. But hats off to him this season, off to a hot start with 8 HRs already, and one of which was a game winner that came off of Edwin Diaz in the 9th inning a couple nights ago:

As you can see, he celebrated his homer, as everybody seems to be doing this year, which of course ruffles the fan’s feathers. And then last night, after making a game ending sliding catch, he poured gasoline on the little fire that was beginning to burn at Citi Field by waving bye-bye to Mets fans right in their fucking faces:

By the time we came into this afternoon’s game, there was a full blown rivalry between Jesse Winker and Mets fans. From never having heard of this guy to full blown fucking hatred in 2.5 games. For the record, I love this shit. I personally like this kind of rivalry. Its fun. Its not like a Chase Utley “I’m Happy Jayson Werth Fucked Your Wife And Is Probably The Real Father Of Your Kids” situation. Its more just like your standard shit talking, ball busting showdown that ups the ante. Like I said, all of a sudden a random 4 game set in May had a lot of meaning. Now, I can’t speak for all Mets fans. Some of our more irrational cult members were calling for “retaliation.” I dont think you should be getting beaned by a 98 MPH fastball because you taunted fans by waving goodbye, but a lot of people were calling for Noah to plunk him. That fucking lunatic Frank Fleming was leading the charge. Literally calling for blood or head hunting:

So obviously emotions were running high, and then, as if Vince McMahon scripted today’s day game, Jesse Winker ends up getting ejected during the 9th inning on a very questionable pitch:

The fact that the guy who chose to wave goodbye as his preferred form of trolling was subsequently kicked out of a game in which the Reds got dominated is, simply put, perfectly symmetrical story telling. Mets fans waved right back in real time:

And then they took it to Instagram, trolling the comments section of every single one of Jesse Winker’s IG posts like the goddam Beyhive coming at anyone who puts themselves in Beyonce’s crosshairs:

And now, after picking this fight, fueling the fire, and acting as tough as can be, Winky decided he couldnt handle all those emojis and he disabled his comments:

All of this sounds so silly, I know. But in the year 2019, showing weakness like this on the internet is basically waving the white flag. When you block someone, or disable your comments, you’re essentially saying your feelings are so hurt, you cant take it anymore. That you’re completely overwhelmed by the shit talking and you want to quit. You’re publicly begging to make it stop. After a mere hour of trolling. That is quite literally the WORST move you could make. Because now we know how much it bothers Jesse Winker…we know how effective it is…and I can promise you as God as my witness, I will make it my life’s work to rally Mets fans to flood his Instagram with waving emojis from now until the end of time once he turns those comments back on. If you’re a Mets fan, make sure you do your part. I will personally set alerts so that I know every time Jesse Winker has posted a new Insta. I will leave a string of wave emojis every. single. time. and you should too. He wanted this. He asked for it. And now he’s got it. Nobody can out-petty this fan base. Being petty is all we have. We’ve been doing it with the Yankees and their fans forever. We’ve been doing it with the Phillies and Nats the the last decade. Oh, you think petty is your ally, Jesse Winker?. But you merely adopted the petty. We were born in it, molded by it. I will petty you to death, you son of a bitch. See you at the end of September…bye bye!

Here is Jesse’s IG…give him a follow and wait for those comments to be turned back on. @Jesse_winker