The Mountain Is A Real Dick For Posting This Picture On Instagram So Soon

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Nah man that’s not cool. I don’ care that he said sorry in the caption. Put your sorries in a sack and kindly shove’em up your ass, Mr. Mountain. That’s not nearly enough and the wound is still fresh after what he did to Missandei in this week’s Thrones episode. How dare he post that picture? How dare he? Don’t you dare post a picture of you two being chummy at a Christmas party after you (spoiler) sliced off her head with no remorse. I don’t care that Cersei I don’t even care that it’s a TV show and these people are friends in real life. In the words of a wise man, it’s still real to me damn it. For better or worse, Game of Thrones is real life to me. The people and the storylines might as well really be happening so The Mountain is on my shit list for killing Missandei in such a brutal way. Fuck him and fuck those fake drummers and fuck that picture.