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Uh Oh, Game Of Thrones Creators Benioff And Weiss Said They Are Going To Get Very Drunk And Avoid The Internet After The Thrones Finale Airs

Indie Wire- With the final season of “Game of Thrones” ready to debut this month, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have the near-impossible task of ending HBO’s fantasy blockbuster series on a note that pleases millions of fans across the world. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, the two creators admitted they’re worried about letting fans down with the ending, even if they are fully aware that’s going to happen on some scale. To avoid the backlash, Benioff and Weiss already have set their plans for series finale night.

“We’ll be in an undisclosed location, turning off our phones and opening various bottles,” Weiss said. “At some point, if and when it’s safe to come out again, somebody like [HBO’s ‘Thrones’ publicist Mara Mikialian] will give us a breakdown of what was out there without us having to actually experience it.” Added Benioff, “I plan to be very drunk and very far from the internet.”

“We want people to love it,” Weiss said of the “Thrones” ending. “It matters a lot to us. We’ve spent 11 years doing this. We also know no matter what we do, even if it’s the optimal version, that a certain number of people will hate the best of all possible versions. There is no version where everybody says, ‘I have to admit, I agree with every other person on the planet that this is the perfect way to do this’ — that’s an impossible reality that doesn’t exist. You hope you’re doing the best job you can, the version that works better than any other version, but you know somebody is not going to like it.”

Call me crazy, but the showrunners of the biggest TV show on the planet talking about the series finale like a kid that is scared to go home because he knows his parents and a bad report card are waiting for him seems like a bad thing. And if you are opening bottles during the finale of your show, I would hope that you are popping champagne like you won a championship game instead of trying to drink the pain of being being roasted by the internet away.

Look, I get that dealing with feedback during the social media and internet age is a bitch, especially with something as huge as Thrones. For the last month my timeline has been a battleground between the people that have loved this season, hated this season, both loved/hated different parts of this season, and then everyone arguing with each other about why other peoples’ personal opinion about a show is wrong. Twitter has pretty much become political Facebook except with dragons and incest. And trying to successfully land the ending of a show with the size and depth of Thrones in 6 episodes after a 2 year wait is like trying to parallel park a monster truck into a spot reserved for compact cars as a bunch of angry New Yorkers honk at you, even though Breaking Bad did a pretty decent job in its last shortened season and I still cum myself when thinking about how Endgame wrapped up the last decade of Marvel movies.

But the fact Benioff and Weiss won’t be drinking to remember but instead will be drinking to forget as the biggest moment of their careers happens is concerning, especially after the other reactions we’ve seen to the end of the series.

Then again, I guess there’s a chance that the reason everyone is scared of the finale is because of the ending George R.R. Martin told them to do since you never know what that crazy fuck has pumping through his brain. And if that’s the case, I would DEFINITELY throw GRRM under the bus if I was Benioff and Weiss in their little postgame interview saying “We knew we were screwed once that turtle looking son of a bitch told us that Qyburn ends up on the Throne” while they drink like a Lannister. Or maybe they are just trying to manage our expectations, which to be honest is a good move as is avoiding the internet immediately after something you put your heart and soul into hits the masses. I don’t know. I just hope the finale is good because I love the show and I hate hearing people bitch as well as hearing people bitch about people bitching. So hopefully Benioff & Weiss tie one on next Sunday and can avoid the backlash. And if everyone hates it, they better just blame it on the bad ending written by author that will probably never finish the books anyway.

For more Thrones talk, check out our Episode 5 preview on Game of Stools on iTunes or Spotify.