Video Game Reviewer Gets Harassed by a Creep and Reports Him. To His Mom. It's About to Get Ugly for This Guy.


SourceA California-based video game reviewer’s tweet has gone viral after she shared with her followers how got back at a troll who called her a ‘bitch’ and a ‘c***’.

Kallie Plagge says she received a vulgar message from someone going by the name Ryan and retaliated by forwarding the messages to his mother – who later vowed to correct the behavior of her son who turned out to be 37 years old.

Screen shots of the Facebook direct message show how Ryan responded referring to her as a ‘social justice warrior’ because he didn’t like the GameSpot reviews editor’s opinion.

‘Hi u stupid f**kin SJW c***. Can you ever learn to shut ur f***kin c*** mouth bitch,’ Ryan sent.

Plagge, 25, promptly passed on the offensive words to one important woman in his life.



Many gamers were displeased with her May 2 review which ended with a 5/10 rating.

‘Most aspects of Days Gone lack purpose,’ Plagge wrote.

I game probably less than anyone you know outside of – depending on their ages – your grandparents. My sons play and I have no objection to them. It’s just that, when given time to spend on mindless drivel, I spend that time on Netflix or online reading. So for sure I don’t spend any time at all on gamer sites looking at reviews. My tastes run more toward YouTube channels about movies and TV. It’s just a matter of personal preference.

But thanks to #GamerGate, I know enough about the world of game reviewers to know that it is dark and full of terror. That for all the sinister placed on the internet, that one is like a scary bridge, guarded by eerie creatures that make you answer riddles before they let you cross. Admittedly I only know what I’ve read in the past. And I forget a lot of the details. But I remember thinking the gamer world made the old Barstool comments section sound like the Knights of the Round Table. I mean, it speaks volumes that there’s a whole subculture of guys who identify themselves “incels,” a mashup of “involuntary” and “celebate” because they can’t get laid and hate women because of it.

And to be clear, I differentiate between the guys who simply go online to say “I don’t really get why they made the new ‘Ghostbusters'” or who think the female “Doctor Who” is a badly written disappointment and the real closet cases. I agree with the first two, and there was a backlash against those legitimate opinions as being misogynistic. Which they weren’t. But guys like this 37-year-old are the real deal. Anyone who would take the time to C-bomb a grownass woman for the crime of reviewing a thing and not liking it are everything that’s wrong with everything.

And yet, while I’m tempted to say a deranged maniac like him needs to be chained to a dungeon wall someplace, I like Kallie Plagge’s solution much better. In fact, I think it’s perfect. Right or wrong, people should have the right to say what they want. And the best way to handle it when they go off the rails because someone didn’t love “Days Gone” as much as they should, is to tell their mom. Don’t editorialize. Don’t block. Just let mom know what her son is up to online and let her settle his hash.

By now, this troll has probably lost his phone privileges. If she’s any kind of a mother (and she sounds like she is), she’s no doubt giving him a stern talking to about his language, turning off the WiFi except for when she’s on Pinterest and making him help her Marie Kondo the house. That’ll teach him to talk mean to girls when he should be asking out her friend from work’s daughter who has a really nice personality but just hasn’t found Mr. Right.

So for future reference, this is the way to handle online abuse. And for all you incel cowboys who like dishing it out, be prepared to answer to your mom who’s not going be so much angry, as well, disappointed. Of course the simple solution is just not to be a total dick to strangers because you don’t share their tastes in videogames. But if you must, just try not to embarrass yourself by being a total fucking cliche.