Nobody Loves Sports More Than This Man Right Here

Do you fancy yourself to be a bit of a sports fan? Are you constantly watching all of the games? Are you the guy in your friend group who everybody else always comes to when they need questions answered about sports-related topics? Do you call into local sports talk radio so often that you essentially just become a part of the show? Well guess what…

Hate to break it to ya, pal, but you’re still not even half the sports fan as this man right here is. Nobody in the world supports the squad harder than this man. The basketball jersey over the hockey sweater is such a preposterous move that it has been simply unfathomable to the majority of the world’s population. The amount of skill and precision it takes to pull off a move like that is off the charts. I mean you just look back on some of the greatest sports fans throughout history and there are only a small handful of fans who could ever pull off such a look. And this man is out there doing it with ease.

Obviously the dual wielding jerseys is the highlight of the look here. Also the fact that it’s a Kevin Love jersey over an old ass Minnesota Wild jersey. But then the Vikings lanyard and the (presumably) Twins hat really tie the whole look together. Wouldn’t be too surprised to find out he’s rocking a pair of Minnesota Lynx socks as well. This was a fandom clinic that our man put on right here, and we all just need to recognize and appreciate his greatness. Because greatness like that doesn’t come around all the time.

P.S. – Still the GOAT sports fan.
