Frank Vogel Deserves An Immediate Raise For Not Murdering This Reporter

A couple things here. First, I’m not sure who the reporter was that asked this question but he has gigantic testicles. In fairness he did say “with all due respect” so basically that give him clearance to say whatever he wants. There’s also the fact that nothing he said there was a lie. The Lakers were trying to get everyone under the sun to coach this team before going with Frank Vogel. They even care more about the assistant coach than the actual head coach apparently and that’s pretty shitty because Vogel is actually a decent coach. He should theoretically help the Lakers get back to being respectable at the defensive end which they desperately need. But to do the man like that on his introductory press conference? Ruthless.

I know Frank Vogel has been the Lakers coach for about 35 seconds, but the Lakers need to rework his deal and give him a raise based on how he handled that whole situation. Look at that stare. You could tell he wanted to murder that guy and yet he kept his composure like a true professional. The Curb music is perfect here because it honestly played out just like a real life scene from the show. You don’t think Frank Vogel knows he was the 3rd choice? Granted I don’t think he gives a shit because at the end of the day he’s back to being a head coach for one of the most historic franchises in the league that also has arguably the best player on the planet on the roster. There are worse positions to be in as a head coach. Even if he knows LeBron will eventually have him fired, the checks will still clear so at the end of the day Vogel comes out a winner in my book. First choice or third choice he’s still getting that money.

So welcome to a big market team Frank Vogel, you’re certainly not in Indiana anymore. If he thinks this is bad though, just wait until LeBron quits on the season again and this team stinks for the millionth year in a row. It’s just awesome that even at a moment in which the Lakers are supposed to be establishing some stability, they’re still surrounded by disaster. They truly are the gift that keeps on giving.