Finally A Petition Worth Giving A Shit About

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(Change) – The only man able to take the throne after Hugh Jackman. We believe that if Wolverine is to make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that the only man able to pull it off is Danny Devito.

Petitions are hot in the streets right now. And by hot in the streets I mean the Game of Thrones petition to have the entire last season completely rewritten has been a semi-popular storyline for the past few weeks. Now, while the people who have added their names to that petition are big, stupid nerds who should be stripped of their basic rights as an American, anyone who signs this petition to make Danny DeVito the next Wolverine should be given a cash reward for being much smarter than the average human being. Right now that number sits at 12,732 and climbing.

Everywhere you turn you can hear people talking about the DeVito Wolverine, how his stature is much closer to a literal Wolverine than Hugh Jackman could ever dream, that he’s already displayed how unkillable he is while living with Charlie Kelly, and that he can fit in flawlessly in a superhero movie as he proved as the Penguin in the 1992 adaptation of Batman. Honestly it’s baffling an idea this good even needs a petition to begin with. Just shows how out of touch those Hollywood fat cats are these days. Hopefully this petition will wake them up and have them make the correct casting choice before it is too late.