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Twitter Is Arguing About The Best Times For A Beer So Here Is The Official List

So our friend Bailey here tweeted this out yesterday and I’ve seen a million quote tweets and RT’s about this. Now, it’s not ‘new’ or anything like that. It’s been debated numerous times. But, with the weather turning and Memorial Day Weekend here, it’s a great time to debate beers.

Now obviously some will depend on where you live. In Cincinnati – you may be shocked here – but I don’t take many trains. In fact I’ve taken exactly 1 train in the last year. That was only because I was in New York and needed to get to Harrisburg.

But here are the 5 best times for a beer according to me and only me:

1. First vacation beer
Pretty self explanatory here. You travel and get to the spot. That first beer while you’re getting into the hotel/house/AirBnB is special. You finally feel relaxed and can start enjoying vacation.

2. Beer on the 19th hole after a round of golf
This one is a little more specific and for those who golf. You get off the round after having some transfusions or John Daly’s or some beers and get into the bar. You wrap up the round with your group complaining about shots you want back and sipping on that delicious cold drink. This is especially true as we get into the middle of summer and the air conditioning hits.

3. First patio beer during the Spring
This is better than any summer beer for me. You get through that grey winter. It’s cold. You don’t want to leave your house. Someone throws out going to sit out on a patio and grab some drinks. You slap on a quarter zip and get that light breeze. Ideally the patio has some music playing and the NBA/NHL playoffs on. You get some buckets of beer and relax. Times are a changing and it finally hits.

4. Grilling beer
Again, a specific one for those that grill. But, during the summer you may have some people over. You slap open the grill, smoker or both and crack open a couple beers. You have the spatula in one hand, beer in the other. You have the heat from the grill and smoker hitting you with the deliciousness of a cold beer. Call me old, I am. But this is an unbelievable beer.

5. Beer during any athletic event/concert
Don’t really have to say anything here. You are watching a game or a concert. You need something to drink. If it’s a hot summer day for baseball, drink faster.

Now, the first cut is an old man thing that it homes for me. The post yard work/chores beer. You get done mowing the yard, edging and trimming, you sit on your back porch, put on some tunes and get that cold beer. That was a difficult cut for me.

Now you’re going to notice that there’s no shower beer. I assume that will be the most talked about one. Shower beers are wildly overrated to me. How long are you even showering for? Just pop in and pop open a beer right after as you get ready. Don’t have to deal with shampoo, hot water, soap getting into the open beer. Call me crazy, but that’s not in my top-5.

Undervalued beer? Post Stone Cold Stunner beer: