Happy Anniversary To Me

Mentioned this earlier on radio, but for those just waking up… Today is my year anniversary with Barstool Sports, and I am happy to say I am going to be here for a while longer.  Sort of like a …


Erika and Dave were nice enough to sign me to a 2-year contract with an option for one more which provides me with a little security going forward.  

My trading licenses expire in September, so unless I somehow park them in a friendly firm, I will officially be unable to trade as of September 21st for the first time in over twenty years… Which is fucking terrifying.  

I do not claim to have been a great equity trader, but that business helped me build a nest egg, and it’s one that I thought I would be in forever. 

I was dead wrong. 

That biz is getting tougher and tougher, so I am EXTREMELY thankful to Dave and Erika for letting me be creative at the greatest company in the world. 

Clancy is the one who made it all possible by asking me to come in on a whim.  Francis was the one who gave me a shot to do radio, and Willie made it a regular gig.  Chaps and Clem let me on my first podcast.  My wife gave me the permission and the support to take the chance.  And the Call Her Daddy girls made me regret having a daughter.  


People often wonder how this place does pay-wise, so I will tell you my conversations with Dave and Erika were short and sensible.  I have been around long enough to know there are a lot of people who get paid a great deal to do virtually nothing.  Conversely, there are more people who slave away for little to no pay.  Barstool has given me a happy medium, and hopefully one with some growth, so I have no complaints about the terms of my contract at all. 

Over the next year, I am going to continue to blog when I can, continue to do radio, Podfathers, and Gold.  Willie and I have developed a long-form music/food show that drops in a month or so.  I am going to see if I can host a “Financial Summit” that will include some of my former peers and will have very little to do with finance.  I have a couple other ideas that I need to refine, and also I hope to ride Robbie’s coattails and do something contact-sports related with a little smut thrown in. 


As is so often the case, my life resembles The Shawshank Redemption almost word for word.

For example, this was college…

And when I first got to Barstool, I undoubtedly felt like Brooks on his first day out of prison.

But now I talk to my old workmates who are still stuck on desks or in cubicles and I am starting to feel a lot more like post-rape/post-escape Andy… Sanding his boat on the shore of Zihuatanejo… Waiting for his handsome black friend to come along…


Thanks for reading, listening, and watching… Please don’t stop doing it.

Take a report.




Extra-Large on BarstoolGOLD will drop Friday at 10AM and I have a couple more ads dropping before Father’s Day comes and goes, leaving me no longer desirable to the ad world.