Look At This Piece Of Shit

I’ll be honest. I have no idea what this thing is. I have no idea that he RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft system (UAS) is the premier provider of persistent intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information and able to fly at high altitudes for greater than 30 hours. I’m clueless to the fact that the Global Hawk is designed to gather near-real-time, high-resolution imagery of large areas of land in all types of weather – day or night or that it’s capable to go beyond intelligence collection. I have no idea that a portion of the Global Hawk fleet is engaged in supporting air and ground users with communications relay support or that the EQ-4B Global Hawk carries the Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN) payload providing life-saving support to warfighters. And you know what? I dont care. I just know this thing looks like shit.

I wouldnt want this prostate tickler looking drone to save my life in combat. If it came down to this thing saving my life or me dying, buddy,,, place me in a ship, set me ablaze and I’ll meet up with Odin in the Great Hall that is Valhalla.

Ole Plane That Looks Like A Kindergartener Drew It Head Ass

Whatever happened to making planes that you’d wanna fuck? Design another stealth bomber. Those bad boys put asses in the seats.

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fuck me, daddy.