Guy Survives A MONTH Inside A Bear Den And The Pictures Of His Rescue Will Make You Puke Your Brains Out

Source - A Russian man looking like a living corpse has been rescued from a bear den after he claims the animal broke his back and left him there for a month.

The man, who identified himself only as Alexander, was discovered by hunting dogs in Russia’s remote Tuva region, close to the border with Mongolia, local media says.

Initially the hunters thought the body had been mummified by the dry air but were stunned to discover that the man was still alive.

Shocking video shows how Alexander’s face and body were encrusted with dried blood and dirt, his was skin a deathly white colour, and his dull eyes were barely able to open.   

At one point medics speaking Russian – rather than the local Tuvan language – ask the man his name, prompting him to open his eyes and reply ‘Alexander’.  

Medics say he can move his arms, barely open his eyes, and speak – but is otherwise immobile and exhausted. 

It is not clear exactly when Alexander was found, but he has told doctors the attack happened roughly a month ago.

I blog survival stories from time to time, but none of them have ever been nearly as crazy as this. Guy gets attacked by bear, dragged into bear den and stored as food…FOR A MONTH. The details are so outrageous my brain can’t even comprehend them.

Alexander said that his drank his own urine to stay alive while fearing that the bear could come back at any moment to finish him off.

Doctors said it was a ‘miracle’ that he wasn’t killed, and admit that they aren’t sure how he was able to survive for so long.

He was only discovered after a group of hunters passed the cave and their dogs ran inside before refusing to move on. The hunters checked inside the lair and saw what they believed was a human mummy – until they released Alexander was alive.

He was described as having ‘severe injuries and rotting tissue’ from lying motionless for so long in the den. ‘Local medics say they cannot explain how the man survived such injuries,’ said the report.

The exact location where he was found has not been revealed, nor the name of the hospital where he was treated. He was spoken to by medical staff in Russian rather than the local Tuvan language.

How he didn’t give up is beyond me. If you have a strong stomach, watch the video I posted below and try not to puke. He’s literally a mummy.

There are other photos here, which are too gross to post. On the bright side, the dirt really brings out the blue in his eyes.

Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at 2.07.29 PM

That said, with any crazy story like this people are going to doubt it. The health ministry of whatever the fuck Russian town it supposedly happened in can’t confirm the story is real either.

A spokesman at the health ministry in Tuva Republic, a region in southern Siberia, told EAST2WEST NEWS today: ‘We cannot confirm the case happened in Tuva.

‘It was not registered by the Ministry of Health, the Emergencies Ministry or any other official body (in the region).

‘Most probably, it happened somewhere outside Tuva.’

Who knows? All I know is that I wrote this entire blog so I could post this one clip at the end. That and because I wanted to send my best to Alexander. He just experienced a real-life version of The Revenant and lived to tell the story. Here’s to as speedy a recovery as he can have.