Hundreds Of Mountain Bikers Crashed Into Each Other Trying To Race Down A Glacier Like A Bunch Of Idiots, Video Belongs In A Museum

I thought about slapping a Must-Watch on this bad boy but it’s the week of July 4th and I figured a bunch of people are probably on vacation right now and won’t get the chance to see it. So for that reason alone, we won’t be exhausting one of my 4 remaining must-watches for the year. With that being said…this video belongs in a museum of human history because holy shit what a series of events.

So you guys know how ice is like really hard to bike across? It’s actually so hard to bike across that almost nobody ever rides a bike on a sheet of ice. So when you decide to have a few hundred mountain bikers all race down a giant sheet of ice, well the overall idea behind that race seems to be inherently flawed from the get go. Which, in that regard, I guess you could say the race went exactly according to plan.

Right from the very first crash, we had pure carnage. A bunch of bozos slamming into walls of pure ice. Bodies flying everywhere. Bikes flying everywhere.

My favorite moment of the entire pile up happens in this next GIF. Peep the guy down near the bottom left corner of this clip here. Buddy is already a part of the initial crash, hops back up, finds his bike, is about to get back on and high tail it out of there, and then BANG he gets destroyed again. Two for one whammy,  maybe has the worst luck of everybody there.

Then once the camera zooms out, you really get a good glimpse out how goddamn idiotic all these bozos are. I mean LOOK AT ALL THESE IDIOTS.

There’s gotta bet at least a thousand racers there. Maybe even more. What in the h*ck did they think was going to happen. You’re riding down a sheet of ice which is already a royally fucked idea to begin with. The compound that idiocy by riding down a sheet of ice with a thousand other bikers. These guys all pretty much just signed up to get in a giant crash.

I feel like we, as human beings, tend to think that we’re a relatively smart species. But imagine if a bunch of aliens got a chance to see this video. They’d think that we are the dumbest mother fuckers in the entire galaxy. We think we’re so smart but we’re a bunch of donkey brained morons. This race right here is exhibit A.

h/t FTW 
