John Daly's Request To Use A Cart At The Open Championship Has Been Denied And He's Not Happy

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I wanted to use the word ‘pissed’ in the title of this blog but to be fair to John, he doesn’t seem totally pissed there. At most, JD is perturbed that the R&A denied his request to use a cart at Royal Portrush in a couple of weeks. Although the three question marks after “different continents different laws” could lead one to believe that he’s right on the verge of being pissed. Either way, we will not see John Daly zipping around Northern Ireland on four wheels as we did at the PGA Championship. This time around he’ll have to walk the golf course just like everybody else in the field.

It’s not exactly surprising that the R&A doesn’t want JD (or anybody for that matter) driving a golf cart around during their biggest tournament of the year. The surprising decision came a couple of months ago when the PGA of America allowed him to use a cart.

A decision that even Daly ultimately didn’t feel great about after it happened

FARMINGDALE, N.Y. (Reuters) – John Daly said it had been almost embarrassing riding a cart in the PGA Championship first round at Bethpage Black, where he limped and puffed his way around the long and hilly course on Thursday.

“It’s very awkward, to a point it’s almost embarrassing, but I love the PGA, and I feel like as past champion I belong to play … I feel obligated,” the 1991 champion said after shooting five-over-par 75.

John won’t have to feel that embarrassment at this tournament but unfortunately, he’s gonna have to feel a shit ton of knee pain to play in the Open Championship. So what are the chances he makes it through without withdrawing due to that knee pain? I’m gonna say unlikely given how his knee felt out at Bethpage Black WITH a cart

Guess we’ll find out in a couple weeks