Alex Morgan Rocking A 'USA Beat Everybody' Shirt While Double Fisting And Chugging Champagne Is So Cocky And Why She's The Best

Listen, all of America loves Alex Morgan. I’m not saying anything new here. She’s America’s sweetheart that doesn’t give a fuck. That’s why she’s the best. Just out here celebrating her ass off after goals, after winning titles and not giving a shit what any person in the world thinks.

But, as someone who was heavily invested in this year’s US team (shout out futures and the World Cup on being during the day while working from home), I’m going to miss this team. That’s why I love the not give a fuck attitude. Look at these celebrations in the locker room and right after. The USA beat Everybody shirt is so goddamn fire too. I love that they had them mocked up, ready to go. They knew they weren’t going to lose. Does this look like the face of someone who knew she had no chance of not winning the gold medal?

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The absolute best. This team will go down as one of my favorites in sports. They were as cocky as cocky comes. They just dominated and ended up winning the gold. Let’s run it back in 4 years.

Hit them with the dance one more time, Alex: