Snoop Dogg Hates The #BottleCapChallenge More Than You've Ever Hated Anything

Laugh out loud funny. There’s just something hilarious about Snoop Dogg seeing all these people kicking caps off of bottles and him getting FURIOUS about it. So furious to the point where he decided he had to make an Instagram video talking about how stupid he thinks the #BottleCapChallenge is. What a strange thing for him to throw up his hands and say, “I can’t deal with this stupid shit!” Snoop, by all accounts one of the coolest and chillest dudes in human history, just cannot stand seeing people like John Mayer and Robbie Fox and Justin Bieber doing this challenge. Why was this the thing that sent Uncle Snoop flying off the handle? We may never know, but him picking up the hotel phone and making up a challenge made me laugh a lot.

Snoop’s fury is misplaced, however. He’s focused on the wrong stupid internet trend. All of Snoop’s anger should be directed at the people licking ice cream containers and putting them back in the freezer, not people kicking caps off of bottles. The #BottleCapChallenge is harmless, the #LickIceCreamAndthenPutItBackInTheFreezerLikeADisgustingMenaceToSocietyChallenge is not harmless. That’s how diseases spread and people die. If we’re gonna call an internet challenge fucking stupid, make sure it’s the one that’s actually fucking stupid.