Let's Check In To See What James Harrison Is Up To These Days

Perfect. I like to check in with James from time to time to make sure he’s still lifting. Not because I care, just because it’s honestly one of the most entertaining/temporarily motivating things on the internet. So it’s good to see he’s still giving it his all despite having zero reason to stay in shape other than his own personal health (lol). Every time I watch one of his videos I convince myself I’m going to get in the gym for a full thirty seconds after it stops. I mean look at this photo and tell me you don’t want to start lifting:

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You can’t. I don’t even know what the dangly weights do, but I’m going to go to the gym after work and give it a try. Obviously, that’ s not true and the sentence was written as a way to motivate me to go to the gym, but it’s the thought that counts. As ridiculous as those videos are, none will ever top his rant about being benched while he was on the Steelers.

I look forward to these videos every day. Glad to see retirement is treating him well. Don’t ever change, James. Don’t ever change.