Tour de France Crashes Are What Sports In July Are All About

Well, folks…we are officially in the eye of the shit storm that is July Sports. For the entire month, there is almost nothing to watch besides baseball. And tonight? Well there’s nothing at all on the schedule. Sidenote: if there is ever a night on the calendar to earn some brownie points and take your significant other out on a date and you can pretty much throw your phone away without needing to check any scores, tonight is that night. So I hope you already made your reservations.

But the point of this blog is one that we’ve all known for centuries at this point–July is the worst month of the year for sports. It’s that time of the year where everybody wishes they could just take a baseball bat to the skull, drop into a coma real quick, and wake up a month and a half later and be ready for NFL preseason. If there’s one saving grace, however, it’s the Tour de France. And not necessarily for the actual cycling aspect of that. Until there’s another Lance Armstrong out there, I don’t know why we’d care about who wins. But for crashes like these.

Did….did you not see how the entire pack was split right down the middle of the road? Did you think you were just some super genius or something and would take the middle lane and nothing bad would happen? We’ve got all these cyclists out here blood doping when they really just need to start reading some books so they can develop a brain. But if meathead cycling leads to more crashes like this then let’s just keep it rolling, baby.
