Monica Lewinsky Blew (Up) Twitter Today

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Stop the fight, Monica Lewinsky dominated the internet today. Nothing like a well-veiled “hey remember when I gave the President of the United States a blow job?” reference to get the people going, am I right??

You can’t teach this kind of self awareness, folks.

I can only imagine the person who told her to take that internship’s reaction to this tweet. The shade thrown here is just incredible.

I was nine when this whole thing popped off (no pun intended), but this is one of the first news stories that I remember pretty vividly. My parents had a speaker system in their room that was pretty bad ass, so if they were listening to the news, I could sometimes hear it in the kitchen. One day, I heard the word “semen” while talking about President Clinton and, of course, I HAD to know what that meant. What a young, inquisitive mind I had. Anyway, I wrote down “seaman” on a piece of paper and grabbed the gigantic dictionary (kids these days will never know the struggle) and looked it up. Unfortunately for me, I’ve always been a shit speller. It made less than zero sense why anyone would give a fuck that Bill Clinton worked as a sailor. So I gave up.

But even more unfortunately for me, my mom found that piece of paper and explained to me what semen is. I couldn’t look at my dad the same for weeks.

What a time to be alive.

Anyway, good for Monica. A little self deprecation is what the world needs more of. Legendary.

PS – Somewhere – probably in Arkansas – The Clintons are fighting about this again. T&P, Bill.