Manny Ramirez' Career With The White Sox Ended In Hilarious Fashion

I’ve watched this clip like 100x and it makes me laugh out loud every single time.  Sure, a lot of it might be the fact that Ozzie Guillen speaks in completely broken English, but nevertheless Manny Ramirez saying “fuck this” when Ozzie told the team they wanted to finish the final 2 games of the season is vintage Manny being Manny.  And I am on his side 100000%.  He knew his career was finished.  He knew he was completely washed up and nobody wanted anything to do with him moving forward.  And Ozzie being Ozzie just laughing it off is a not so subtle reminder of why both the fans and his players loved him.  Ultimate players’ coach.

But any time Manny’s name comes up I go down a rabbit hole of his highlights.  Steroids or not, he’s one of the best pure hitters in baseball history.

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His ability to work opposite field, outthink pitchers and pair power with on base abilities was just so fun to watch.  That, and he was always good for a laugh or two anytime he stepped on the field:

and now you can find him somewhere in Asia kicking it with our guy Donnie:

The Cubs hired him back in 2014 to be a player/coach for their AAA affiliate in Japan and I was absurdly jealous of the hire as he’d make a perfect hitting coach.  Teaching prospects to use all fields, how to think ahead in the count, etc.  Despite coming off as a goofball, the dude had a tireless work ethic off the field working to get better at hitting baseballs.

Nevertheless though, baseball needs it some more Manny.  This is my plea for the White Sox to hire him as some roving hitting instructor.