Camille Kostek is Making the SI Swimsuit Issue Great Again

I think that like most Americans, I sometimes fall into this trap of believing that the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit phenomenon has outlived its usefulness. That it’s just a relic of a bygone era. Like decorative ashtrays. All Star games. CD players. Playboy. Land line phones. The US Postal Service. Or constitutional democracy. Those things that will be gone once we start The Hunger Games and will not be coming back.

The Swimsuit Issue has lost a yard off its fastball. They watered down the product when they stopped publishing it right after the Super Bowl – in the worst time of the year to be living in the Midwest or Northeast – and making it basically a 12 months a year proposition. But by God, every once in a while SI proves the value of this thing. It truly is an art form. And featuring Camille Kostek goes a long way toward keeping this American cultural institution relevant and thriving.

I’ll admit I’m a little puzzled by the editorial decision to put Rob Gronkowski’s girlfriend in a blue “19” jersey instead of an “87.” It looks like she’s wearing a cheap knockoff Johnny Unitas jersey. Or maybe a Dollar General clearance rack Malcolm Mitchell, and it’s unbecoming the SO of the greatest tight end ever play. But then again, it’s nothing Gronk himself couldn’t have fixed with maybe two pieces of tape.

Gronk 69

But that’s beside the point. The more important issue is that Camille Kostek is helping to make the Si Swimsuit Issue great again.