It Seems NY Daily News Doesn't Know Anything About the Moon Landing

In the words of a space traveler that the NY Daily News might be familiar with:

Luke Skywalker Wrong

I mean, why split hairs? John Glenn, Neil Armstrong. A planet, a satellite. “one giant step,” “one giant leap.” Same difference. Sure I could nitpick and point out that we’re talking about one of the most famous humans of all time, one of the most recognizable historic quotes ever uttered and easily one of the top celestial bodies orbiting our planet for the last 4.5 billion years. But what am I, the Moon Landing police?

Besides, it was 50 years ago. Sure, it was one of the landmark moments in the life of humankind. Something dreamed about since we came down from the trees and began to walk upright. The culmination to that point of all our knowledge, imagination and ingenuity. So three brave men had the courage to stand on the shoulders of giants, living and dead, and risk their lives in a great adventure that, for one brief moment, had the entire Earth’s population united, riveted to their TVs as one, watching it in real time around the globe. But five decades is an eternity. Way too long to remember who said what as he climbed down the ladder and set foot on whatever the hell it was.  And who has time to Google that shit anyway? Let’s just agree that whoever runs the Daily News Twitter feed was close enough and that Ryan Gosling was great as John Glenn in “First Man” and mourn the death of American journalism some other time.

Just don’t ever let Buzz Aldrin catch you getting it wrong. He is one old badass who doesn’t suffer idiots gladly.