Mike Scott Spent His Weekend Crashing Weddings As He Continues To Cement Himself As A Philly Legend

Mike Scott hasn’t even played a full season in the city of Philadelphia yet and he’s already become one of the biggest legends this city has ever seen. Perhaps it’s because of the “I ain’t no bitch” quotes.

Perhaps it’s because like most of the great citizens of Philadelphia, he occasionally enjoys drinking on the job.


Or maybe it’s because Mike Scott has fully embraced the city after the city has embraced him. People always want to talk shit on Philly sports fans but please do me a favor and tell me which other fanbase in America would embrace Mike Scott the way that Sixers fans have. The man doesn’t have any ties to Philly so it’s not like we’re rooting for a hometown kid or anything like that. He’s just a dude who grinds his ass off, says what’s on his mind, and that’s really all it takes for Philly fans to be on your side. You want to talk about throwing snowballs at Santa? Fine. Just as long as we also talk about how an entire city is getting “Mike Scott Hive” permanently tattooed on their bodies to show love for a guy who comes off the bench.

And now he’s not only getting invited to show up to random summer weddings in the city…

But he’s also showing up to them because Mike Scott is a goddamn man of the people. He was traded to Philly on February 6. That’s still less than 6 months ago, and now he’s essentially the mayor of the city. That, my friends, is what we call a takeover. He ain’t no bitch.
