Bam Margera's Latest Meltdown Includes 47 Instagram Posts And Is Some Of The Saddest Shit I've Ever Seen

Before we get into the Instagram meltdown, I want to mention that this was the original story I was going to write about.

But the more I dug, the more I realized this story pales in comparison to all the other shit Bam’s put himself through over the past forty-eight hours. It all started on Friday when he “allegedly” got shit-faced at the airport and was kicked off a flight. Here’s the video. He says he’s sober, but you can be the judge of that.

After he berated the airline employee, he was escorted off the premises by a cop (who must’ve been a saint for not arresting him) and taken to a hotel. Here’s the video of that:

But that’s not even the craziest part of what happened. The craziest part is his FORTY-SEVEN-post Instagram tirade against everything and everyone in his life that’s trying to get him to get help. I’m not going to post all of them, obviously, but the ones that made the most noise were the ones of him begging Dr. Phil for help.

There are literally dozens more of these. Some of them are of him going after his (former) best friend, Novak.

Others make zero sense at all…

The point is, Bam’s going through some serious stuff and to someone with a 30,000 foot view, it seems obvious he needs help. Even the old Jackass dudes are reaching out trying to get through to him.

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Kate’s written a few blogs on Bam over the past couple months and he seems to be getting worse and worse. Which is sad not only for him, but for the millions of kids (myself included) who grew up watching him and the Jackass guys do their thing on MTV. Fingers crossed he gets whatever help he needs and his life straightened out before it’s too late. Until then, let’s enjoy some vintage Bam.