Jennifer Aniston Says She Doesn't See Herself as 'Sexy'

SourceJennifer Aniston never thought of herself as a sex symbol.

The 50-year-old Friends vet has always gone for a more girl-next-door vibe, she told InStyle magazine for their 25th anniversary.

‘Bombshell wasn’t really my thing,’ said the Murder Mystery star. ‘I thought natural, cute, and funny was sexy, you know?’ …

She added that when she began her career ‘I think we were broadening our ideas of what sexy actually meant, so to be put in that category, I was like, “Oh, this is nice.”

‘But, no, I didn’t have a “sexy” banner around my waist or start going to “sexy” school or anything like that. Some days you’re hot, and some days you’re not.’

Is there anything like the fake humility of the undeniably attractive smokeshow? That innate quality that makes them deny their own inarguable sexiness. As if to somehow acknowledge the fact that they are super desirable it would diminish their appeal.

Jennifer Aniston is, objectively speaking, one of the most beautiful human females walking the Earth. She has been since she first hit the big time a quarter of a century ago. That is an interminably long time to be at or near the top of the Hot Celebrity Food Chain. Ask any of a million women who were the “It” girl for a few months, then quickly flamed out. Women like Tara Reid, Shannon Elizabeth, Megan Fox. Who dominated the magazine covers for a while and then faded into relative obscurity, lucky just to appear on Page 12 carrying shopping bags out of a boutique somewhere.

Staying front and center for 25 years as Aniston has practically counts as immortality in the fame business. So it’s laughable that she has to feign like she has no idea why she’s considered sexy. Why this is considered sexy:

Jennifer Aniston 1

Or this:

Jennifer Aniston 2

Or this:

And bear in mind, these are just samples from the veteran years of her career. Here mid- to late-40s, when most people in her line of work are getting injections of rubbery goo into their faces and bags of viscous liquid slapped onto their chests. By all natural laws, her peak should’ve ended with the Clinton Administration. And for her to pretend she just doesn’t get the appeal is a joke.

There is virtually no one who would look at her and not say that, by all objective standards, Jennifer Aniston defines “sexy,” except the population of people who happen to be Jennifer Aniston. You don’t even need to be sexually attracted to women to believe that. Or human. A manatee would look at her and say “Yup. She’s sexy alright.” You don’t have to even be a mammal. You could be a jellyfish and you’d say “Holy cow. If I wasn’t an invertebrate, was capable of intelligent thought and had a human penis, I would want to have sex with her.” On “Star Trek: TOS,” they had a formless, sentient being being made of pure light energy they had to keep in a box and could only look at through special goggles to keep from going mad. And that alien would want to grow hands just so he could pleasure himself to Jennifer Aniston.

But I get it. She’s got to play the game in order to come across as self-deprecating and just regular folk. Fortunately the rest of us don’t have to.