This Weekend Marks The 50th Anniversary Of One Of The Greatest Musical Performances Of All Time
John: But you admitted you were actually hallucinating in that performance…
Santana: I’m still hallucinating-
Gayle King: But on that day you were really hallucinating. You had taken a little what? What had you taken?
Santana: Um, my friend Jerry Garcia, we and went back and forth with because we used to do therapeutic…taking like inner baths and inner showers and pealing layers of illusions, because humans pick up all sorts of personas that are not really you and if you don’t be careful these personas can throw you into a misery ditch. So for me it’s always important to be a person rather than a persona.
Carlos, I’m not going to pretend I have any idea what the fuck you’re talking about, but I like you and I like your music so I’m going to keep writing this blog. For those of you who don’t know what performance they’re referencing, I attached the video below. It’s six minutes long and you should watch the entire thing.
Aside from Pup Punk’s Irving Plaza show, Santana at Woodstock is largely considered one of the most iconic performances of all time. How he was able to play like that while tripping his balls off is beyond me. Here are a few more clips from his interview on CBS This Morning.
It’s like he’s living in the sixties. I’ve always been a Santa fan, but it’s still wild to see him give interviews like that on television in 2019. Regardless, fifty years ago this weekend a twenty-two year old kid burnt the house down in front of 500,000 hippies and I don’t care what anyone says, no one will ever do that again. Not Beiber, not Ariana, not even Lil Nas X. That was a once in a life time performance from a once in a life time performer. Carlos Santana- put some re-speck on his name.