Footage Of Boogie Cousins Tearing His ACL Comes Out, And It's Bruuutalll To Watch

That scream during a no-contact layup attempt is the biggest fear of any basketball players who ever steps on the court.  No matter how much you tell yourself or the other guy that it’s gonna be ok, probably just a pull or a sprain, you know it’s either a torn ACL or burst achilles 100 times out of 100.

Like this guy knew instantly.

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Good news for fans and the contract lawyers, the injury happened during a legit training session at IMPACT, not dicking around with some scrubs on a random court or, say, in the Bahamas in flip flops.

Gonna stay optimistic for Boogie, but it’s tough, because chances are good (or bad I guess) that he’s pretty much done after this one.

Dude is, and always has been, an absolute monster.

via TMZ Sports