NASA Astronaut Anne McClain Is Accused Of The First Ever SPACE CRIME By Spying On Her Wife

This week we talked about Astronaut and legit badass Anne McClain’s possible space crime. I still dont understand why what she did was wrong but Im not a lawyer. We suss it out in the youtube clip above.

We also had a full show so make sure you listen to that as well. Here are the other topics of the day.

Round 1: ‘Marriage troubles on deployment is no new issue for the troops. This story is different though because Anne McClain is accused of identity theft WHILE IN MOTHER FUCKING SPACE!

Round 2: A Marine-Turned-Teacher is in hot water for telling his students that he’d be the best school shooter. You heard me right.

Round 3: Two Montana men got the greatest sentencing of all time after a judge found out that they tried to steal valor in order to reduce their sentences.

Round 4: The Navy’s top SEAL says the force must return to normal discipline practices. Haircuts! Get your haircuts here. Ice collllldddd hair cuts. Shaves too! One free shave with a haircut!

Round 5: Last week I spit out a phrase that might have some legs. Finding your “and.” Some veterans in West Virginia are finding their “and” in an unusual way. Honey, you wont believe it.