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Casually Lighting A Cigarette While A Gun Is Pointed Directly At Your Face During An Armed Robbery Is A Fucking MOVE

(Source)- Several customers inside a south St. Louis bar were robbed at gunpoint Wednesday morning by a man with a heavily modified pistol. The man walked into Behrmann’s Tavern in the 3100 block of Meramec Street just after midnight and demanded money, bartender Dustin Kruger said.

I have been trying to figure out if this guy is the coolest, dumbest, or coolest yet dumbest person on the planet all morning and I still don’t have my answer. But no matter what the answer is, we can all agree that is an AWESOME video of yourself to have go viral.

Telling someone to go essentially fuck themselves when they try to take your phone is both as incredible and relatable as it gets. But to then light up a butt directly in the face of someone that can have you meet your maker with the pull of a trigger is the stuff legends are made of. Blowing a big fat cloud in the gunman’s face would have given this guy the sought after title of Baddest Man On The Planet since he would be the closest thing we’ve seen to a real life John Wick. But it also might have given him the title Deadest Man On The Planet.

I know there is a real chance this guy legitimately didn’t give a shit if he lived or died because I imagine that is the way many people that are boozing in an empty St. Louis bar at 12:30 in the morning on a Wednesday feel. And I’m sure there are countless Blues fans that can happily die in peace after witnessing the run their team and Boris The Dancing Rat just went on. But holy shit that was cool. I wouldn’t have been surprised if those crooks just gave this guy all their money and left the bar just for being unflappable. And even they didn’t, this guy can show this video to all his friends or anyone eyeing him up at the bar during Last Call, thus making him the coolest person there. And maybe the dumbest. But we are going to go with coolest just because most people, including the person writing this blog, would have been covered in a whole lot of human waste if this happened to them.