Old People Tried To Yell At Lonzo Ball About His Music Takes And Got Their Pants Pulled Down In The Process

I don’t care about this debate at all, but rather how it was debated. That part fascinates me. A few years back, Lonzo said that nobody listens to Nas anymore and that he’d rather listen to someone like Migos. People were actually shocked a 19-year old kid from LA would related more to the popular music from his generation as opposed to ILLMATIC. This was a real story that people cared about not only at the time, but so much so that they’re still asking him about it two years later. And for someone to have been sitting on this topic for two whole years, you’ve gotta come better than what Big Boy brought to the table in this one.

If you want to know this official face of someone grasping for straws, just look at this face:

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That’s someone thinking as hard as humanly possible to try and come up with an answer. You cannot go this deep into your own brain trying to name someone’s SECOND best album when you’re the one who brought up this argument in the first place. Not only could he not even conjure up he response (“Life Is Good” is the correct answer, btw), he deflected and brought up someone who wasn’t even involved in the argument in the first place. 0-for-2.

But I’ll tell you what, if Lonzo has this cool and calm a demeanor against NBA defenses I might put a year’s salary on him winning comeback player of the year. Because he couldn’t have looked more comfortable in a room full of yelling olds telling him to turn his music down. They were so sick of him naming Future projects so effortlessly that they brought up Katy Perry. I can’t think of a less natural segue than to go from Future’s mixtapes to Katy Perry. Lonzo Ball by TKO in the third round.