It Would Appear That Kevin Durant Completely Forgot How Twitter Works


Shoutout Kevin Durant. The man wont play basketball this season as he recovers from a devastating achilles injury. We, as basketball fans, are truly being robbed of a prime season from an all time great. Despite not being back on the court any time soon, you have to admire the fact that he’s still out here getting viciously dunked on.

KD’s maybe the most online basketball player we’ve ever seen. So this slip up is especially wild to see happen to him. A quick twitter Q+A had his guard down and he very much decided to answer a super obvious DEEZ NUTS set up. Happens to the best of us, but also very rarely to someone who knows the ins and outs of the web like KD used to. It’s alright, he appears to just be shaking off the rust, getting back into the groove. But just remember: unless you’re physically inside of a Wendys do not answer anyone asking if you like them, what your go-to order is, none of that. Just keep scrolling and avoid getting a stranger’s virtual nuts dragged across your forehead.

To his credit, he took this all very much in stride.

Which, against his credit – shit like this is exactly what used to make KD the best tweeter on the planet.

One of the best basketball players in the world being extremely online and aggressively horny just like the rest of us. Hopefully this time off from sports brings him back to his roots and his true calling: tweeting from his real account.