Kash Daniel (Kentucky's Tim Riggins) Doesn't Give A Rat's Ass What People On Damn Twitter Say About Him

I will run through a goddamn brick wall for this guy. The man is going to deliver a quote every day of the week and then back it up. He’s the captain of Kentucky’s defense. He was a key part to a historical season. The man bleeds Kentucky through and through and that man can have any seat in Kentucky’s government he wants when he’s done being a pro wrestler.

You think this guy gives a rat’s ass what people on Twitter wouldn’t say to his face?

Fuck no he doesn’t. He’s going to go out there, kick someone’s ass, run his mouth and back it up again. That’s why this program is changing, man. Friend of the program Kash Daniel just out here putting Kentucky on the map and I couldn’t love it more.

You don’t snap 31-year losing streaks without someone like Kash on your team. Those are just facts. Fuck Florida. Fuck the haters. Kash Daniel doesn’t give a rat’s ass what you think.