This Was The Worst Penalty An Official Has Ever Called In The History Of Football

No, I’m not talking about this call.  Perfect call by the referee IMHO:

Chubb was literally trying to decapitate Mitch and lost his team the game because of it.  Nobody’s fault but Chubb’s.  If I’m Goodell I’m suspending him and even considering a lifetime ban from football.

But we’re not talking about that call.  That’s a different topic for a different time.  I’m talking about this call:

Without question the worst call in the history of football at any level.  It was a textbook form tackle; wrap up, drive through the torso and lead with your shoulder pads…. Yet Hicks’ got penalized for it and it lead to a Bronco’s field goal and made it a 1 score game.  The referee should be fired for making that call and probably incarcerated if we’re being honest.

MASSIVE WIN nevertheless.  1-1 and back to the drawing board.  We’ll break down the offense HEAVY tomorrow in our post game show.  20-25 mins of unfiltered reaction from the RLR crew.  Go unsubscribe/resubscribe RIGHT NOW, boss’s orders


