Chris Mortensen Calls Ian Rapoport A Rat For Allegedly Stealing Adam Schefter's Scoops







Zach Schwartz may have just blown the lid off the least important NFL story of the decade. And I don’t say that as a shot to him. We’re just talking about scoops, man. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Scoops. Not even scoops, but about a grown man calling out another grown man for potentially stealing scoops from a third grown man. On a day where Antonio Brown was allegedly farting in his doctor’s face, a story like this feels mundane in comparison.

But it’s a story nevertheless. The scoop game doesn’t have love for anybody. It’s a kill or be killed game. If you’re in the scoop industry and you’re constantly getting beat then are you even in the scoop game? I’d posit that you are not. Anyone can be second to some news. They don’t throw parades for second place. And I’m a Rap Sheet guy, we’re a Rap Sheet company. But the time stamps have never lied. He got beat fair and square. Now, do I think he’s learning this news on Twitter like the rest of us from Schefter? No, no I do not. I think he’s just getting dusted on the keypad. These guys get the same texts from the same agents and it’s a footrace to see who can get it out faster. Right now Schefter is Usain Bolt to Rapoport’s Me. It’s a bloodbath in favor of Pee Boy, the scoreboard doesn’t lie.

Mort resorting to tweeting out rat emojis is absolutely killing me. This man literally just beat cancer two seconds ago and he’s back in the scoop weeds just because Rapoport isn’t the same tweeter he once was. I need to see the texts between Mort and Schefty right now because those two are having the time of their lives giggling over this. And again, I’m a Rap guy. Always have been always will be. But I’d be lying if Ian Ratreport didn’t have a certain ring to it. And I do not lie on this or any other website.