Coming Clean About My Plastic Surgery

Today I saw a buzz online about women getting plastic surgery to correct “resting bitch face”. For a quick refresher, “resting bitch face” is the phenomenon where you look like a jerk even though you’re just fine & dandy. It’s just simply the way your face looks when it’s resting.

Overwhelmingly, the response to this surgery has been negative. Many are saying, “Oh so what, if that’s your face big deal… just be who you are.”

Well I have to come clean. Several months ago I had the surgery done to correct it. It took $3,075 of filler injections into my face, countless days of swelling and bruising that I had to hide in a job where I’m often fairy visible, and lots of pain. But despite the haters, the cost & the agony of recovery, it was worth it & I’d do it all over again. I’ve found myself with a fresh burst of confidence, my speech has improved, and I’m suddenly better at gambling.

In case you don’t believe me I’ve included a before/after:

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