How Many Children Do We Think This Legend Has Sired Over The Years?

I’m gonna set the bar low and say no less than 65-75. You can just see it in the way he walks. This is no ordinary man. This man is truly one of humanity’s finest achievements. He was put on this Earth for one reason and one reason only–to reproduce. God said to himself, “wow. Humans sure are getting really shitty these days. Might be time for an upgrade” so he put this dude into existence and he’s just been creating a new generations of legends to follow. And from the looks of it, he’s not slowing down any time soon.

The women want him. The men want to be him. The security guard is afraid to even look him in the idea because he does not feel worthy enough to be in the presence of such greatness. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that 9 months from now we end up having at least another dozen children born as a result of this pool party. I’ve never been interested in taking any of those DNA tests before, but now I’m curious just to be sure.