Today Is "Raid Area 51" Day, And Wouldn't Ya Know It, Almost EVERYONE Backed Out Of It

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Authorities admit they don’t know what to expect as the ‘Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us’ event kicks off in rural Nevada.

More than 2 million people have said they are ‘attending’ the event and more than a thousand tourists have already descended upon the tiny towns of Rachel and Hiko, located close to the highly classified Air Force Base.

The two towns have a combined population of just 175 people, with many locals wondering whether their community can cope an influx of people after an invite to the extraterrestrial-themed event went viral on Facebook back in June.

Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee told Associated Press on Thursday that around 1500 revelers have arrived near Area 51 – long thought to harbor government secrets about alien activity.

1500 people?  That’s it?  I thought this facebook group was up to 2,000,000 people that guaranteed they’d storm Area 51?

*Checks Facebook page*

Yep, 2,000,000 people.  

Which means about 1,985,000 are NOT actually going to raid Area 51 to find them aliens.  Talk about a bunch of back tracking Indian givers.

Look, I’m a man of honor, integrity and gumption.  I’m of the firm belief that when you say you’re going to do something, you fucking do it.  No backtracking.  No weaseling your way out of it.  No excuses.  None of that shit.

And all of that counts for at least double when you promise you’ll do something that will entertain the masses, which is why I’m so disgusted with everyone who backed out of this Area 51 raid.  I’m sitting here in my lovely one bed apartment, window unit AC cranked full blast while I blog in my underwear literally SMHing at everyone who’s backed out of their word here.  You know how much blog material I would have gotten out of this?  A shit ton.  You all sicken me.  You’re a bunch of goddamn cowardly rodents.

A person is only as good as their word, and when you backtrack out of doing something you promise you’ll do, you’re nothing more than a lowlife bum that nobody can trust, not even the most insignificant of conversations.

If you know anyone who clicked “going” on the facebook invite to the Area 51 raid who didn’t actually go, keep that person close to you.  They’re nothing but trouble.  They are NOT to be trusted and will stab you in the back as soon as they possibly can.  Because that’s what rodents do.