I've Decided That I Hate Neil deGrasse Tyson

01 ndt

This has been a long time coming and I am finally ready to blog it. I didn’t think I’d ever get here. When Neil deGrasse Tyson first came on my radar I was a HUGE fan. One video sucked me in. One of my favorites on the internet.

Maybe I am a sap, but this did it for me when I saw it like 7 or 8 years ago or whatever it was. I’m a guy who is curious about a lot of things, but in a casual way. Love all those weird space-time theories with multiverses and black holes and aliens etc. “The Universe” and “Cosmos” were the perfect amount of Neil deGrasse Tyson for me. Something scripted with just a enough information that my dumb brain could go “whoaaaaaa…cool” and move on without getting bogged down with you know…actual details and things like math or physics. Inch deep, mile wide.

Because I liked that video and casually liked those two shows I started watching more and more of his stuff, and with every interview he did I started hating him. A little more with every condescending interuption. Every dramatic pause before a mundane fact. Like we get it dude…you’ve a smooth ass baratone voice and we know space is big. He speaks in a way that lets everyone know that he is smart and you’re dumb. He finds harmless things like how the general population uses the word “awesome” and takes an opposing stand just to be a prick

Unless it’s Neil…he can decide what is the acceptable way to use “awesome” more casually. Arbitrator of language

Octopus ping pong…awesome. Fuck you, Neil.

And I don’t want to get political and certainly don’t want to do it about a sensitive subject, so I will just leave this here

Like yeah, all of those things are true. Sure, no doubt. Counter point though…shut up.

He just sucks the fun out of everything. His entire twitter and brand has become a blackhole of fun. The arrogance, the smugness, the hipocrisy, the fact that he can’t go one single day or interaction without trying to knowledge bomb someone. There was one tweet that pushed me over the edge though. One tweet that caused this blog.

Egocentric? Imagine being so egocentric that you think you know how aliens think. That’s what Neil is doing with this tweet. He is so smart that he knows that aliens don’t care about us. It’s a preposterous amount of arrogance. More arrogance than saying that “hey we care about the possibility of life on other planets so maybe aliens care about us too”. That is a perfectly reasonable stance. Not to just be like I am Neil deGrasse Tyson and my brain is so big that I know what aliens are thinking FUCK YOU NEIL. Jesus. I can’t stand it. I am OUT on Neil. There’s never been a good Neil in the history of the planet, but he is definitely the worst.