Chris Paul In An Oklahoma City Jersey Looks So Bizarre

Who knows how long he’ll end up rocking his OKC threads, but until the Thunder pulls the trigger on sending him to the Heat it’s going to be very hard to get used to seeing Chris Paul in an OKC jersey. That’s part of the fun of Media Day, especially after this past offseason where a ton of big names switched teams. But here’s the thing, even with all that talent now wearing new uniforms, a lot of them don’t look at weird as Chris Paul does in that photo. Maybe two or three at most. I mean look at these


This doesn’t look all that strange. Maybe because our brains pretty much put AD in a Lakers uniform the second he demanded his trade from NO back in February. We had plenty of time to look at the photoshops so by the time Media Day rolled around it was basically normal.

Los Angeles Clippers Media Day

Los Angeles Clippers Media Day

It may have been the most shocking news of the entire offseason when these two paired up, but for whatever reason it doesn’t look weird seeing them in their Clippers uniforms. Like the weird part is that the Clippers are actually legit title favorites, but in terms of not getting used to guys in a certain jersey, this doesn’t phase me at all.

2019-20 Houston Rockets Media Day

OK you want to talk about weird, this still looks weird as hell. I don’t now how to explain how one former OKC player in a new uniform doesn’t look weird but here we have another OKC player in a new uniform and my brain just can’t accept it. Maybe part of it is the fact that Westbrook was traded for Paul and that’s why it looks so weird to my brain but it’s going to take me a few weeks to get used to this for sure.

2019-20 Los Angeles Lakers Media Day

Absolutely fucking disgusting. Let’s move on.

2019-20 Philadelphia 76ers Media Day

Oh god dammit. Why am I doing this to myself. Throw this one in with CP3/Westbrook. I have a personal rule that I cannot slander Al Horford since he was the first big time FA to ever sign in Boston in my lifetime, but god dammit does this looks disgusting.

But back to Chris Paul. On a day where spirits are high all around the league and guys are super excited to start the season, I can’t say Paul looks all that thrilled in that photo. I mean he looks downright miserable which is weird because if we’re being honest the Thunder as currently constructed aren’t THAT bad. There are pieces there that could have them somewhat competitive, especially if they get a motivated Chris Paul.

But to go from a team contending for an NBA title to one clearly in a rebuild phase for a 34 year old point guard who is on his last legs certainly isn’t ideal. It wouldn’t shock me one bit if Paul is already counting down the days until December 15th when trading him will become a little easier. In the meantime, this shit is weird as hell to see.